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የግብጽ እና ሱዳን የጦር ልምምድ

የግብጽ እና ሱዳን የጦር ልምምድ
Egypt Independent

ነፃ ሃሳብ

የግብጽ እና ሱዳን የጦር ልምምድ

የግብጽ እና ሱዳን የጦር ልምምድ

(ኘሮፌሰር ፍቅሬ ቶሎሳ)

ሁለቱ በሱዳን ውስጥ የጦርነት ልምምድ፣ በተለይ የአየር ኃይል የውጊያ ስልት በቅርብ እንደሚያደርጉ ተዘግቧል። እነሱ የሚሉት የወዳጅ ሀገሮች ልምምድ ነው። እኔ ኢትዮጵያ ላይ የተቃጣ ሴራ ነው እላለሁ። ግብጽ የጦር አይሮፕላኗን ኢትዮጵያ አፍንጫ ስር ካቀረበች ግድቡን ለመምታት ምን ያግዳታል? ዐያችሁ ሱዳን እንደማትታመን? ይህ ሁለቱ ሀገራት ከእዚህ በፊት በፍጹም አድርገውት የማያውቁት ነገር ነው። እዚህ ላይ ማተኮር አለ።

Egyptian units arrive in Sudan for military exercises

The official spokesperson for the Egyptian Armed Forces Tamer al-Refeai announced Saturday that Egyptian military units have arrived in Sudan to participate in joint military exercises.

Units from the air force and Egyptian commando forces arrived at the Marwa Air Base in Sudan to participate in the “Nile Eagles – 1” training session, Refeai wrote on Facebook.

This training, the first between the two close nations, will continue until November 26 and falls under the Egyptian Armed Forces’ joint training plan with friendly countries.

Refeai explained that the training will witness many activities, such as the planning and management of joint combat actions between Egyptian and Sudanese air forces.

Training will also include multi-role fighters from both sides carrying out offensive and defensive sorties on training targets, he added, as well as training commando forces on combat search and rescue work.

It will also feature theoretical and practical lectures which will contribute to the unification of concepts and the exchange of experiences between both sides.

The Egyptian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Mohamed Farid met with Sudanese officials in Khartoum on November 3 to talk ways of enhancing military and security cooperation between the two countries.

Both sides agreed to bolster joint work in rehabilitation, training, border security, combating terrorism, and military industries.

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